Um quarto de século. Não existirão muitos projectos que se poderão vangloriar de poder chegar a esta idade e muito menos os que detêm a riqueza discográfica e eminente influência como os norte-americanos Neurosis. Sim, esta reedição deste seminal álbum, pela Neurot Recordings, tem esse objectivo primaz, assinalar essa respeitável data, no seguimento da reedição de "Times Of Grace" em conjunto com "Grace", dos Tribes Of Neurot.
Mas "Enemy Of The Sun" destaca-se de entre os trabalhos do sexteto de Oakland por dois motivos essenciais: o primeiro, que vinha a ser cozinhado desde 1991, com "The Word As Law", e que marcou o fim de uma linha marcada pelo Hardcore e, em segundo lugar, lançou as bases para as novas e seguintes abordagens desta banda e que se tornariam a sua imagem de marca: ambientes negros, ritmos tribais hipnóticos, o peso dos temas quase em regime de catarse e as vozes de Scott Kelly e Steve Von Till que se tornam cicerones e guias de uma introspecção algo desconfortável.
Com "Enemy Of The Sun", o molde para o opus magnum, "Through Silver In Blood lançado três anos depois, estava realizado e que colocou a banda no mapa do metal mundial. Com a passagem dos anos, a fórmula foi sendo sucessivamente ajustada aos trajectos que foram trilhando e que nunca os tornaram aborrecidos ou repetitivos.
"Lost", "Cold Ascending" ou a tribal "Cleansing", são temas incontornáveis neste registo e demonstram de maneira bem simples e eficaz que, a partir daqui, o som dos Neurosis não conhece fronteiras nem obedece a estilos. E, talvez, resida aí a sua grande virtude, em que o equilíbrio das forças internas e dos estilos abordados tenham sido o fiel da balança e, ao mesmo tempo, os propulsores de uma carreira ímpar.
Nesta reedição, foi dada uma nova roupagem ao artwork, pela mão de Josh Graham e foram incluídos dois temas: a versão demo de "Takeahnase" (versão original inclusa em "Souls At Zero") e uma versão ao vivo e mais curta de "Cleansing". Não serão grandes novidades, estas acrescentadas ao alinhamento original, mas servirão para muitos redescobrirem este trabalho e para muitos outros iniciarem a exploração deste imenso filão, que continua inesgotável. (18/20)
A quarter of a century. There aren’t many projects which can brag to be able to reach this age, much less those who hold the record wealth and influence as the eminent American Neurosis. Yes, this reissue of this seminal album, by Neurot Recordings, has that main objective, to signal this respectable date, following the reissue of "Times Of Grace" together with "Grace" by Tribes Of Neurot.
But "Enemy Of The Sun" stands out among the work of the sextet from Oakland for two main reasons: first, it was being cooked since 1991 with "The Word As Law", which marked the end of a line marked by Hardcore and, secondly, it laid the groundwork for new approaches by this band and it would become their trademark: black ambient, hypnotic tribal rhythms, the weight of the songs, almost under the catharsis, and the voices of Scott Kelly and Steve Von, till they became tour guides and guides for an insight into something uncomfortable.
With "Enemy Of The Sun", the template for the magnum opus, "Through Silver In Blood”, released three years later, was carried out and it put the band on the map of world metal. As years passed by, the formula was subsequently adjusted to the journeys they were walking and they never became boring or repetitive.
"Lost," "Cold Ascending" or tribal "Cleanse" are essential songs in this record and they demonstrate how simple and effective, from here on, the sound of Neurosis knows no boundaries nor obeys styles. And perhaps therein lies its great virtue, that the balance of internal forces and styles has been, at the same time, the engines of a unique career.
In this reprint, the artwork was “redressed” by the hand of Josh Graham and it included two themes: the demo version of "Takeahnase" (the original version was included in "Souls At Zero") and "Cleanse II," a song recorded in 1996, but which doesn’t partakes in any way with the percussion themes on this album. The songs that the band added to the original alignment may not be big news but they serve to rediscover this work (as if it were really necessary here) and to help many others to begin exploiting this huge streak, which remains inexhaustible. (18/20)
Com "Enemy Of The Sun", o molde para o opus magnum, "Through Silver In Blood lançado três anos depois, estava realizado e que colocou a banda no mapa do metal mundial. Com a passagem dos anos, a fórmula foi sendo sucessivamente ajustada aos trajectos que foram trilhando e que nunca os tornaram aborrecidos ou repetitivos.
"Lost", "Cold Ascending" ou a tribal "Cleansing", são temas incontornáveis neste registo e demonstram de maneira bem simples e eficaz que, a partir daqui, o som dos Neurosis não conhece fronteiras nem obedece a estilos. E, talvez, resida aí a sua grande virtude, em que o equilíbrio das forças internas e dos estilos abordados tenham sido o fiel da balança e, ao mesmo tempo, os propulsores de uma carreira ímpar.
Nesta reedição, foi dada uma nova roupagem ao artwork, pela mão de Josh Graham e foram incluídos dois temas: a versão demo de "Takeahnase" (versão original inclusa em "Souls At Zero") e uma versão ao vivo e mais curta de "Cleansing". Não serão grandes novidades, estas acrescentadas ao alinhamento original, mas servirão para muitos redescobrirem este trabalho e para muitos outros iniciarem a exploração deste imenso filão, que continua inesgotável. (18/20)
A quarter of a century. There aren’t many projects which can brag to be able to reach this age, much less those who hold the record wealth and influence as the eminent American Neurosis. Yes, this reissue of this seminal album, by Neurot Recordings, has that main objective, to signal this respectable date, following the reissue of "Times Of Grace" together with "Grace" by Tribes Of Neurot.
But "Enemy Of The Sun" stands out among the work of the sextet from Oakland for two main reasons: first, it was being cooked since 1991 with "The Word As Law", which marked the end of a line marked by Hardcore and, secondly, it laid the groundwork for new approaches by this band and it would become their trademark: black ambient, hypnotic tribal rhythms, the weight of the songs, almost under the catharsis, and the voices of Scott Kelly and Steve Von, till they became tour guides and guides for an insight into something uncomfortable.
With "Enemy Of The Sun", the template for the magnum opus, "Through Silver In Blood”, released three years later, was carried out and it put the band on the map of world metal. As years passed by, the formula was subsequently adjusted to the journeys they were walking and they never became boring or repetitive.
"Lost," "Cold Ascending" or tribal "Cleanse" are essential songs in this record and they demonstrate how simple and effective, from here on, the sound of Neurosis knows no boundaries nor obeys styles. And perhaps therein lies its great virtue, that the balance of internal forces and styles has been, at the same time, the engines of a unique career.
In this reprint, the artwork was “redressed” by the hand of Josh Graham and it included two themes: the demo version of "Takeahnase" (the original version was included in "Souls At Zero") and "Cleanse II," a song recorded in 1996, but which doesn’t partakes in any way with the percussion themes on this album. The songs that the band added to the original alignment may not be big news but they serve to rediscover this work (as if it were really necessary here) and to help many others to begin exploiting this huge streak, which remains inexhaustible. (18/20)
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