Os Raventale, ou melhor Astaroth, continuam a trilhar o seu caminho a seu bel-prazer. Pois bem, esta review poderia terminar por aqui e quem quisesse que buscasse respostas neste novo EP do projecto (do) ucraniano...
Depois de em 2009, com "Mortal Aspirations", registarmos uma viragem brusca na sua sonoridade, com interlúdios ecléticos e temas numa toada bem doomy, com a proposta "After" temos um cimentar desta posição a que se pode juntar umas breves incursões por momentos verdadeiramente melancólicos - ali para o meio de "Gone", está o melhor exemplo -, que servem de banda-sonora a cenários cinzentos, carregados, com uma tundra salpicada pela neve que vai caindo a medo, esmagando-se mal toca o solo.
Este, é um trabalho bem centrado nas guitarras, com alguns teclados planantes e toda esta massa sonora suportada por um trabalho rítmico coeso e forte, dando a estes cinco temas uma força assinalável. Somente o tema-título deste trabalho é que foge ligeiramente ao conjunto sonoro, indo buscar algumas reminiscências Black, mas sempre bem incorporadas na composição mais cuidada e trabalhada; não há por aqui grandes espaços para estruturas musicais muito complexas ou exercícios que puxem até à exaustão as músicas ou algum virtuosismo, como muitas vezes assistimos e que se torna dispensável. Este, sim, encontra-se disperso pelos 35 minutos de duração do EP, demonstrando que os Raventale podem, e muito bem, serem uma proposta bastante válida, num panorama onde a música lenta parece estar a gozar de um hype que há muitos anos se não via.
Sem deslumbrar ou inovar, apenas criar bons temas; e isso chega, às vezes. (14/20)
Raventale, or better Astaroth, continue to walk your way to your heart's content. Well, this review could end here and who wanted to seek answers in this new EP from this ukranian project just go ahead.
Once, in 2009, with "Mortal Aspirations" registered a sharp turn in their sound, with interludes and eclectic themes in a very doomy melody; now, with the proposal "After" we have a reinforce position for which you can add a few brief forays by moments truly melancholic – there in the middle of “Gone”, is the best example which serve as a soundtrack to scenarios gray, loaded with a tundra dotted with snow that will fall to fear, crushing it scarcely, touches the ground.
This is a job well based on guitars, keyboards with some planing and all this sound mass supported by a cohesive and strong rhythmic work, giving these five issues a remarkable strength. Only the label theme of this work is that runs slightly audible to all, going to get some reminiscences of Black Metal, but always well incorporated in the composition and more carefully crafted, there is here great place for very complex musical structures or exercises that pull up to overtiredness songs or some virtuosity, as often witnessed and which becomes dispensable. This, yes is scattered by the 35-minute EP, showing that Raventale may, quite rightly, be a very valid proposal, in a scene where music seems to be slow to benefit from a hype that many years have not seen.
No glare or innovate, just create good themes, and it gets sometimes. (14/20)
Links: http://www.myspace.com/raventale
Raventale, or better Astaroth, continue to walk your way to your heart's content. Well, this review could end here and who wanted to seek answers in this new EP from this ukranian project just go ahead.
Once, in 2009, with "Mortal Aspirations" registered a sharp turn in their sound, with interludes and eclectic themes in a very doomy melody; now, with the proposal "After" we have a reinforce position for which you can add a few brief forays by moments truly melancholic – there in the middle of “Gone”, is the best example which serve as a soundtrack to scenarios gray, loaded with a tundra dotted with snow that will fall to fear, crushing it scarcely, touches the ground.
This is a job well based on guitars, keyboards with some planing and all this sound mass supported by a cohesive and strong rhythmic work, giving these five issues a remarkable strength. Only the label theme of this work is that runs slightly audible to all, going to get some reminiscences of Black Metal, but always well incorporated in the composition and more carefully crafted, there is here great place for very complex musical structures or exercises that pull up to overtiredness songs or some virtuosity, as often witnessed and which becomes dispensable. This, yes is scattered by the 35-minute EP, showing that Raventale may, quite rightly, be a very valid proposal, in a scene where music seems to be slow to benefit from a hype that many years have not seen.
No glare or innovate, just create good themes, and it gets sometimes. (14/20)
Links: http://www.myspace.com/raventale
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