Clorange - Clorange (EP) 2010
Trabalho de estreia desta banda que nos chega de Nashville, composto por quatro temas baseados no doom e no stoner metal, com vocalização feminina, aliás como já vem sendo hábito em colectivos que unem estes dois estilos musicais.
Sendo um debut, é normal que as influências estejam um pouco mais presentes e por aqui ressaltam logo os Electric Wizard, os Sleep e os Jex Thoth, para além do legado sabbathiano sempre audível nestas sonoridades.
Este EP inicia com um pequeno instrumental, "Haze", que indica as coordenadas para a meia hora seguinte: doom/stoner que já foi revisitado inúmeras vezes, com algumas linhas interessantes e algum experimentalismo à mistura, principalmente em "Lunar Schock Delirium", melhor tema deste registo. No entanto, nota-se que ainda há muito caminho para desbravar, no sentido de conseguirem algo mais consistente; assim o esperamos. (10.5/20)
Working debut of this band that comes from Nashville, with four songs based on doom and stoner metal, with female vocalization, as has already been a habit in collectives that unite these two musical styles.
As a debut, it is normal that the influences are a little more present here and just point out the Electric Wizard, Sleep and Jex Thoth, in addition to the sabbathian legacy always audible in these kind of sounds.
This EP starts with a short instrumental, "Haze," which indicates the coordinates for the next half hour: doom/stoner that has been revisited numerous times, with some interesting lines and some experimentation to the mix, especially in "Lunar Schock Delirium", best song of this record. However, there is still a long way to clear in order to get something more consistent; hopefully. (10.5/20)
Working debut of this band that comes from Nashville, with four songs based on doom and stoner metal, with female vocalization, as has already been a habit in collectives that unite these two musical styles.
As a debut, it is normal that the influences are a little more present here and just point out the Electric Wizard, Sleep and Jex Thoth, in addition to the sabbathian legacy always audible in these kind of sounds.
This EP starts with a short instrumental, "Haze," which indicates the coordinates for the next half hour: doom/stoner that has been revisited numerous times, with some interesting lines and some experimentation to the mix, especially in "Lunar Schock Delirium", best song of this record. However, there is still a long way to clear in order to get something more consistent; hopefully. (10.5/20)
Lengua Mortuoria - Viaje Negro (EP) 2010
Não foram precisos muito segundos para perceber que a audição deste EP dos argentinos Lengua Mortuoria iria ser, de facto, uma viagem bem negra. O que temos aqui são três temas de drone/ambient que poderiam servir de banda sonora para um qualquer filme de terror de série B. Temos por aqui linhas de baixo cheias de distorção que comungam com grandes sequências atmosféricas a pender para o fantasmagórico, ou abordagens quase minimalistas, claustrofóbicas, onde algumas vozes deambulam num plano longínquo e são abafadas por elementos noise, acrescentando uma maior carga dramática a este trabalho.
A viagem termina com "Millones de Pequenos Horrores", um longo tema de 15 minutos que perscruta o mais profundo da nossa mente; tortuoso e tenebroso.
"Viaje Negro" não é fácil de ouvir e digerir, mas aí poderá estar a mais-valia deste trabalho: a necessidade de contínuas audições, para que cresça e cause corrosão e mal-estar nos seus ouvintes. (11.0/20)
We didn’t need many seconds to realize that hearing this EP of Argentines Lengua Mortuoria would be indeed a very dark journey. What we have here are three themes of drone/ambient that could serve as a soundtrack for any horror film in a B series. We hear bass lines filled with distortion that they share with great atmospheric sequences to tilt to the ghostly, or almost minimalist approaches, claustrophobic ones, where some wandering in a plane distant voices are stifled by noise elements, adding a greater amount of drama to this work .
The trip ends with "Millones de Pequenos Horrores," a 15-minute long song, that investigates the depth of our mind; devious and sinister.
"Viaje Negro" is not easy to hear and digest, but there may be the added value of this work: the need for continued hearings, to grow and cause corrosion and malaise in their listeners. (11.0/20)
We didn’t need many seconds to realize that hearing this EP of Argentines Lengua Mortuoria would be indeed a very dark journey. What we have here are three themes of drone/ambient that could serve as a soundtrack for any horror film in a B series. We hear bass lines filled with distortion that they share with great atmospheric sequences to tilt to the ghostly, or almost minimalist approaches, claustrophobic ones, where some wandering in a plane distant voices are stifled by noise elements, adding a greater amount of drama to this work .
The trip ends with "Millones de Pequenos Horrores," a 15-minute long song, that investigates the depth of our mind; devious and sinister.
"Viaje Negro" is not easy to hear and digest, but there may be the added value of this work: the need for continued hearings, to grow and cause corrosion and malaise in their listeners. (11.0/20)
Dormant Inferno - In Sanity (demo) 2011
Quem tomar contacto com este trabalho de estreia dos indianos Dormant Inferno, ficará, logo no início de "Failed Experiments", com a sensação que uma tempestade se afigura no horizonte e que arrebenta nas nossas colunas poucos segundos depois, levando-nos na forte corrente onde o doom/death reinam, a melancolia é omnipresente e os anos 90 estão, também, ali à espreita.
Estes três temas são feitos destes elementos, mas não só. Profundos growls que, a espaços, alternam com vocalizações mais rasgadas - como em "Ashes", por exemplo -, riffs pesadões, secção rítmica segura e dinamismo nos temas, não sendo raro que a meio dos temas as coisas se aproximem um pouco do mid-tempo, mostram um trabalho elaborado e com qualidade.
O trabalho vale pelo seu todo, não havendo nenhum tema que se destaque ou que contenha uma malha que continue a martelar-nos na cabeça após o fim da demo. Apesar disso, existe homogeneidade no seu conjunto, não soam desgarrados, o que lhes permite sonhar com voos mais altos, num género que tem estado um pouco dormente ultimamente. (11.7/20)
Who have contact with this debut work of Indian Dormant Hell, will be right at the beginning of "Failed Experiments," with the feeling that a storm appears on the horizon and that is striking in our columns a few seconds later, taking us into the strong current where the doom / death reign, melancholy is pervasive and the 90 are also lurking there.
These three themes are made of these elements, but not only. Deep growls that, in space, alternating with more vocalizations torn - as in "Ashes," for example - lumbering riffs, rhythm section and drive safely on issues, it is not uncommon for half of the subjects to approach things a little mid -time, show an elaborate and quality.
The work draws on the whole, there was no single theme that stands out or contains a loop that continues to pound us in the head after the end of the demo. Nevertheless, there is homogeneity in the whole do not stray sound, allowing them to dream of flying higher in a genre that has been somewhat dormant lately. (11.7/20)
Who have contact with this debut work of Indian Dormant Hell, will be right at the beginning of "Failed Experiments," with the feeling that a storm appears on the horizon and that is striking in our columns a few seconds later, taking us into the strong current where the doom / death reign, melancholy is pervasive and the 90 are also lurking there.
These three themes are made of these elements, but not only. Deep growls that, in space, alternating with more vocalizations torn - as in "Ashes," for example - lumbering riffs, rhythm section and drive safely on issues, it is not uncommon for half of the subjects to approach things a little mid -time, show an elaborate and quality.
The work draws on the whole, there was no single theme that stands out or contains a loop that continues to pound us in the head after the end of the demo. Nevertheless, there is homogeneity in the whole do not stray sound, allowing them to dream of flying higher in a genre that has been somewhat dormant lately. (11.7/20)
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