À primeira vista, o nome deste projecto poderá passar despercebido para os mais desatentos mas, se lhe juntarmos o nome de Jani Koskela, certamente iluminará já muitas mentes. O líder destes 0xíst (deve ser lido e pronunciado "Zero Exist"), que faz parte dos Saattue e dos «adormecidos» Let Me Dream aqui, para além das seis cordas, toma as rédeas nas vozes. E, de facto, os quatro temas que compõem este EP de estreia estão, essencialmente, virados para as guitarras, ou melhor, dominam ao longo deste trabalho de Dark/Doom Metal, tocado irrepreensivelmente, com todos os instrumentos no seu sítio, onde não há falhas a registar e soa tudo bastante coeso e bem pesado (como se quer, aliás). Aos primeiros sons de "Gazing Into The Void", pareceu que estávamos perante um tema sacado do universo Triptykon, dada a semelhança no som da guitarra e no ritmo empregue, mas após a entrada da voz de Koskela as dúvidas ficaram bem desfeitas. E é aqui que está o principal ponto fraco desta banda: a voz de Koskela. O timbre demasiado rasgado, a soar a vocalização mais Black não se encaixa com este som cheio, acabando por não atingir a dimensão bem satisfatória registada no plano instrumental.
Apesar disso, a amostra presente em "Unveiling The Shadow World" tem tudo para poder crescer. Em "Gazing Into The Void" e "Kingdom Of Slumber" existem bons trechos musicais que se tornarão referências no som da banda.
Para que, no futuro, possam atingir voos mais altos, basta que estas ideias continuem a ser bem trabalhadas alargando-se a novos horizontes e evitando a repetição de fórmulas que, mais cedo ou mais tarde, acabam por se tornarem estéreis. (13/20)
At first sight, the name of the project may go unnoticed for the more disregarded ones but, if you add the name of Jani Koskela, certainly enlighten many minds. The leader of these 0xíst (to be read and pronounced "Zero Exist"), who makes part of Saattue and "sleepy" ones Let Me Dream, here, in addition to the six strings, take the reins on vocals. And, in fact, the four themes which comprise this debut EP are, essentially, facing the guitars, or better, dominate throughout this work Dark/Doom Metal, played irreproachably, with all the instruments in its site, where there is no failures to register and that sounds all very well cohesive and heavy (how it is supposed to be). The first sounds of "Gazing Into The Void", seemed that we were facing a theme drawee of the universe Triptykon, given the similarity in tone of guitar and the rhythm used, but after the entry of the voice of Koskela the doubts were well dashed. And it is here the major weak point in this band: the voice of Koskela. The chime too much torn, sound the vocalization more Black does not belong to this sound full, ultimately not reach the size and satisfactory registered in the plan instrumental.
Despite this, the sample present in "Unveiling The Shadow World" has everything to grow. In "Gazing Into The Void" and "Kingdom Of Slumber" there are good musical stretches that can become references to the sound of band.
For that, in the future, to reach higher flights, these ideas will need to continue to be well worked extending-if the new horizons and avoiding the repetition of formulae which, sooner or later, will eventually become sterile. (13/20)
At first sight, the name of the project may go unnoticed for the more disregarded ones but, if you add the name of Jani Koskela, certainly enlighten many minds. The leader of these 0xíst (to be read and pronounced "Zero Exist"), who makes part of Saattue and "sleepy" ones Let Me Dream, here, in addition to the six strings, take the reins on vocals. And, in fact, the four themes which comprise this debut EP are, essentially, facing the guitars, or better, dominate throughout this work Dark/Doom Metal, played irreproachably, with all the instruments in its site, where there is no failures to register and that sounds all very well cohesive and heavy (how it is supposed to be). The first sounds of "Gazing Into The Void", seemed that we were facing a theme drawee of the universe Triptykon, given the similarity in tone of guitar and the rhythm used, but after the entry of the voice of Koskela the doubts were well dashed. And it is here the major weak point in this band: the voice of Koskela. The chime too much torn, sound the vocalization more Black does not belong to this sound full, ultimately not reach the size and satisfactory registered in the plan instrumental.
Despite this, the sample present in "Unveiling The Shadow World" has everything to grow. In "Gazing Into The Void" and "Kingdom Of Slumber" there are good musical stretches that can become references to the sound of band.
For that, in the future, to reach higher flights, these ideas will need to continue to be well worked extending-if the new horizons and avoiding the repetition of formulae which, sooner or later, will eventually become sterile. (13/20)
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/oxist
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