Tilburg e Roadburn. Desde 1999 que estas duas palavras surgem quase sempre associadas quando o assunto é música, embora somente a partir de 2004/2005 é que este festival tenha adquirido as dimensões (em todos os sentidos), por que hoje é conhecido. Um projecto de elevada qualidade, com cartazes marcantes que juntam bandas de diferentes sonoridades, nomes sonantes que partilham o palco com outros em ascensão no panorama metálico. E, acima de tudo, concertos memoráveis.
2007 foi o ano que viu a chegada do sucessor de "The Eye Of Every Storm", "Given To The Rising" de seu nome e a passagem dos Neurosis pelo "happening" holandês mostrou-se imperativa.
A rodela que nos chega agora às mãos, por intermédio da Neurot Recordings, é o documento desse momento de pura catarse e contemplação repartido em nove andamentos.
O alinhamento, essencialmente baseado nos dois últimos trabalhos de estúdio e deixando de lado trabalhos como "Through Silver In Blood" e "Enemy Of The Sun", mostra a banda de Scott Kelly e Steve Von Till num bom momento de forma, em promoção ao seu último registo, embora com uma grande tendência para abordagens mais introspectivas, vertente mais explorada pelo colectivo ao longo destes últimos anos (ouça-se "A Season In The Sky" ou "Crawl Back In"), que vão sendo intercaladas por temas que se movem em águas mais revoltas.
No entanto, os níveis de qualidade de prestação da banda estão sempre em patamares bem altos, não defraudando minimamente o ouvinte (a magia de "Burn" ou "Water is Not Enough", são prova disso mesmo). E outra coisa não seria de esperar, embora alguns temas que consideramos obrigatórios aqui não marquem a sua presença; mas perante um extenso e excelente catálogo nada há a fazer. (15/20)
Tilburg and Roadburn. Since 1999 that these two words appear nearly always associated when the subject is music, though it is only since 2004/2005, years when this festival has acquired the dimensions (in all the senses), for which today it is known. A project of elevated quality, with outstanding band lineups that join different kinds of sounds inside of Metal, sonant names that share the stage with others in ascent in the metal scene. And, above all, memorable concerts.
2007 was the year that saw the arrival of the successor of "The Eye Of Every Storm", "Given To The Rising" was it’s name and the passage of Neurosis by this Dutch "happening" appeared imperative.
This cd that reaches now our hands, through Neurot Recordings, is the document of this moment of pure purgation and contemplation, distributed in nine outstanding pieces.
The alignment, essentially based on the last two studio works and setting aside albuns as "Through Silver In Blood" and "Enemy Of The Sun", shows the band of Scott Kelly and Steve Von Till at a good moment of form, in promotion to their last full-lenght, though with a great tendency for more introspective approaches, slope more explored by the collective along these last years (you can hear it clearly in "The Season In The Sky" or "Crawl Back In"), which are mixed with themes that move in more turbulent waters.
However, the quality levels of the band are always in quite high landings, not defrauding minimally the listener (the magic of "Burn" or "Water is Not Enough", are a proof of that, itself). And another thing would not be of waiting, though some songs that we find imperative here do not mark its presence; but with such an huge, extensive and excellent catalogue we can do nothing. (15/20)
2007 was the year that saw the arrival of the successor of "The Eye Of Every Storm", "Given To The Rising" was it’s name and the passage of Neurosis by this Dutch "happening" appeared imperative.
This cd that reaches now our hands, through Neurot Recordings, is the document of this moment of pure purgation and contemplation, distributed in nine outstanding pieces.
The alignment, essentially based on the last two studio works and setting aside albuns as "Through Silver In Blood" and "Enemy Of The Sun", shows the band of Scott Kelly and Steve Von Till at a good moment of form, in promotion to their last full-lenght, though with a great tendency for more introspective approaches, slope more explored by the collective along these last years (you can hear it clearly in "The Season In The Sky" or "Crawl Back In"), which are mixed with themes that move in more turbulent waters.
However, the quality levels of the band are always in quite high landings, not defrauding minimally the listener (the magic of "Burn" or "Water is Not Enough", are a proof of that, itself). And another thing would not be of waiting, though some songs that we find imperative here do not mark its presence; but with such an huge, extensive and excellent catalogue we can do nothing. (15/20)
Links: http://www.neurosis.com/